Wheel Alignment

Your wheels can get knocked out of alignment very easily. You may need to get your wheels aligned if:

  • You’ve noticed signs such as an off-centre steering wheel, uneven tyre wear or your car pulling to one side
  • You get new tyres
  • You’ve had your car lowered or lifted
  • You’ve had a hard impact with the curb
  • You’ve hit a pothole at speed.

At Car Care Tetbury we recommend regular wheel alignment checks to ensure that all your wheels are aligned to the manufacturer’s specifications. If your wheels are out of alignment, you will notice that your car isn’t performing as well as it should, you may notice signs such as uneven tyre wear, your vehicle pulling to one side and you may be spending more money on fuel. At Car Care Tetbury we can use our state-of-the-art 4-wheel laser alignment equipment to align your wheels back to the original factory positions. This will improve your fuel economy, prolong the lifespan of your tyres and give you an overall more comfortable ride.

Car Care Tetbury is independent, AA-approved offering a full range of quality garage services including warranty and post-warranty servicing and MOT testing for all makes and models including electric vehicles, as well as specialist work for VAG, Land Rover and BMW.

To find out more about Wheel Alignment in Tetbury, contact us online or call us directly on 01666 502496

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Our Location

Find Us

Units 1 & 2, Priory Park Industrial Estate
London Road
01666 502496

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Opening Times

Monday 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday 08:00 - 17:00
Friday 08:00 - 16:00
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

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